Friday, December 31, 2004


I had not written anything for the people who want to volunteer from Pakistan. so here is the information I have been able to collect, and it isn't something that any of you wouldn't have been able to guess. Abdul Sattar Edhi is taking voulnteers with him to help the victims of Tsunami disaster. Any of you willing to go from Pakistan can contact any of the Edhi stations throughout Pakistan. They'll hopefully direct you where to go.
No don't think I'm going, though I would have loved to, but right now, I'm needed here, with my grandmother and mother(both ill) and also because I have exams., so I can't take off immediately, but hopefully after the exams, me and my friends plan to go, and see what we can do to help then(if we're needed then,though i wish fervently by that time, everything to become normal and happy).
anyway if anyone is interested, they can go through Edhi, or can even help by reaching your collections and donations to the Edhi outlets.
Help in whatever way you can......REMEMBER disasters come without precautions.


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