Tuesday, December 28, 2004


The disaster that has hit thousands of people in the south east asia is not only shockingly sad, but also poses a big question infront of us. why? why ahs this happened? God cannot be so cruel! can He be? no! then why? the answer can be whatever you want to think, but if close inspection is madw, it is simply because of our own faults, our own wrong doings that we are punished in such ways. now is not only the time to think, but also to ponder over the causes of such sudden disasters hitting the world. do you know that exactly one yr back on the same day the ancient city of BAAM in IRAN had been destroyed by an earthquake? does that help you understand what i'm implying?
anyway immediately what we need is selfless dedication fo people who want to help, and stop further disaster from ensuing.just think it may have been us, be thankful to the God that it isn't and help those who need it now.
please visit: http://tsunamihelp.blogspot.com/
and http://madclub.blogspot.com and do whatever you can in whatever way possible to help the victims.


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