Monday, October 11, 2004


He is there! Just around the corner, she has to go on, a few more steps and they’ll be one. He’s waiting. He’s tired, he has walked miles and miles, while she had stayed. She’d been stationary, even repulsive, but he had persevered. He had made every effort, overcame every obstacle, fought her repulsions, but he’s left those last few steps to her. He’d crossed all those paths, he took all the difficulties and burdens unto himself. But he’s left the plain few steps to her. He could have walked them as well, but he is a man, and he has to save his pride, and why not? He’s done so much, even waited after reaching that corner to let her make up her mind, waited in apprehension , whether she’ll honour or reject, and all he asks for, now, is to be sure of her love as well. But at last his misery has touched her heart, and she’s ready to walk upto him, and she hopes it isn’t so late yet. He’s waiting in anticipation. It seems as if he’s ready to leave his place, and come running to take her in his arms.
But ………………………………. What’s this? Gosh! She’s run right into a glass wall. He’s right across it. Oh God! She can’t pass through it, neither can he. He’s trying to break through it, she’s making her own efforts.
What is this image being formed on her side. It’s some one they don’t know. A hand appears and takes hold of her hand. It takes her away, though she fought and cried, while he tried to get to her side to try and save her. But …….. the image has turned into a reality of the present, while the reality of HIM, has become an image of the past. They’re seperated .. FOREVER!.
Whose fault is it? Hers, who had been so late in making up her mind? His, who had waited for her to take the last steps? Or of those people, who supposedly govern our lives and make decisions for us, regardless of our wishes and hopes, and we have to obey them because of the attached strings of values, emotions, and so called prestige? Who is answerable for the lost happiness of two living souls, now dead without each other?


Blogger Suhail said...

Incredibly interesting stuff ...
Really good ... !!!
You've asked lots of difficult and awkward questions here. Shall wait for you to give us the answers someday :)

October 11, 2004 at 2:42 PM  

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